Taipei nightlife is awesome but it might sometimes be difficult to know where to go or what to do before reaching the club. This articles gives you our top 5 pre-party spots in Taipei.


Revolver is a super cool bar with the best happy hours we have found in Taipei. Before 9pm the pint of Taiwan Beer, the GinTo, etc are at NT$80 (after 9pm its NT$120). It makes it a great place to pre-party for a relatively good price.

Price: $$

Location: CKS Memorial Hall MRT Station


This is our favourite spot as all the bars have terraces so you can sit outside and sip your beer or cocktail. This is the gay area of Taipei. There are a dozen of bars behind the red house and it is a really nice atmosphere

Most of the bars have good happy hours. We usually just walk through and look for the best deal before choosing our spot .

Price: $$

Location: Ximen MRT Station


Another brick is an awesome bar owned by Belgians. It offers a great variety of Belgian beers! They have happy hours before 9pm where most of the drinks are at NT$180 rather than NT$200. The bar is relatively small but they have a room downstairs that the open sometimes.

Price: $$$

Location: Gongguan MRT Station


Daan park is also one of our to go pre-party spot as we often are on a budget and don’t want to spend too much money on drinks in bars before going to a club. So we get some drinks in a supermarket (convenience store) and go drink them in Daan park. If you don’t know it yet, Daan park is the huge park in the city center.

Price: $

Location: Daan Park MRT Station

7-11 CRAWL

Yes 7-11 crawl is our first pick when it comes to pre-party because it always gets us in the mood for a GREAT party.

The rule is you get a beer at a 7-11, drink your beer while walking and when you reach the next 7-11 you need to down your beer and get a new one!

Price: $

Location: Anywhere in Taipei

Other honorable mentions:

Pre party on Elephant Mountain (in Seb’s beer garden)

Get your drinks and go drink them with a great view on 101. But you need to ask Seb nicely where his beer garden is 🙂  

Pre party at your place

Your apartment is always a great pre-party place. However don’t forget to bring the party outside after 10pm (MAX). Otherwise your neighbors will get mad and the police will ring your bell at at 10:01pm and stop your party anyway. So bring it outside before the police gets involved.


Hope this article will help you have great pre-parties in Taipei! If you know other great spots feel free to share so we can update our article 🙂

If you don’t know where to go out after your pre-party you can check out our Taipei Nightlife: The Guide for the Perfect Party Week in Taipei to find out about the best nightclub deals each day of the week.

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